Regardless of the expanse of your office premises or data centre, having a competent on-site technical support team to provide immediate assistance in times of technical failure and service disruptions will always be of great help. While you have the option to hire a certified technician who will be stationed inside your company’s premises, it is not always the perfect choice or value for money.
One of the most efficient and popular alternatives to hiring certified technicians is obtaining Smart Hands services. Aside from being versatile and highly reliable, Smart Hands services are also less expensive to maintain since these qualified technicians are capable of performing a number of tasks instantly and with accuracy.
Smart Hands basically refers to a technical support system wherein technicians stationed inside the site can quickly respond to problems that may arise within your organisation. In contrast to certified technicians, they are not necessarily trained nor duly recognized to specialise in a specific technology.
Some Smart Hands may still possess certifications to technologies that they specialize in, but the clearer advantage that they have over traditional technicians is that they can virtually handle almost all tasks related to the IT infrastructure. Smart Hands involves the communication between an on-site staff and remote technical assistance that specialize in different products and categories. A technical support staff then receives instructions from certified technicians and project managers to troubleshoot advanced issues.